🌏 What's hiding deep inside Earth?

Plus: Felted cookies and milk, compound microscopes, a 'big fridge' school, Desperation Pies, terrifying marionettes, and an afterschool adventure.


👩🏻‍💻 Educators! ICYMI: On Wednesday, October 16th, at 6pm ET / 3pm PT, we’re holding our third free virtual event: 🧮 Inspiring Math Curiosity with the Power of Video. I’ll be sharing some favorite math resources and videos, and we’ll be joined by education consultant Jen Hesseltine, who will provide an overview of how to build subject matter lesson plans for math using TKSST's video library.

🎧 Podcasts we’re listening to include: 

🦈 Terrestrials from Radiolab: Deep-dive into a rumor about the cloudy-eyed, stubby-snouted, poisonous (and possibly death-defying?) Greenland shark—The Sea Troll: An Everlasting Shark?—and hear from TKSST-fave Dr. Sammy Ramsey about how ancient bee species might help save the world’s honeybees—The Crystal Ball: Giant Honeybees Who Predict the Future.

🔬 The Past and the Curious: This 98th(!) episode from Mick Sullivan, Microscopes and Telescopes, is a fantastic companion for The Getty’s 1750s compound microscope video below.

🎃 Plus, it’s Unspookable season! Pair their The Legend of Sleepy Hollow episode (featuring an interview with The Hollow co-creator David Kreizman) with this video: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, a haunting tale told with shadow puppets.

⬇️ Check out this week’s videos and our sponsor, 1440 Media, below. - Rion


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🧠 The Curiosity Box
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